
   Country         Code

   Argentina       .ar
   Australia       .au
   Austria         .at
   Belgium         .be
   Canada          .ca
   Croatia         .hr
   Czech Republic  .cz
   Czechoslovakia  .cs
   Denmark         .dk
   Finland         .fi
   France          .fr
   Germany         .de|
   Greece          .gr
   Hungary         .hu
   Ireland         .ie
   Israel          .il
   Italy           .it
   Luxembourg      .lu
   Netherlands     .nl
   New Zealand     .nz
   Norway          .no
   Poland          .pl
   Portugal        .pt
   Slovenia        .si
   Spain           .es
   Sweden          .se
   Switzerland     .ch
   United Kingdom  .uk|.gb
   United States   .us|.edu|.com|.net|.org|.gov|.mil

 Total : 826 Records

  NOTE : All persons who have ONLY :

                  BIX        (
                  Compuserve (
                  Delphi     (
                  Fidonet    (
                  Genie      (
                  Portal     (

         accounts are included in the United States section,
         unless the name of their Country is known.
         Please contact me for fixing this incovenience.


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